What If You Just…

Unearthed one of life’s greatest secrets?

Found the master key to optimal health?

Discovered the true Fountain of Youth?

Tree Yoga could be one of the greatest wellness discoveries of our time. In addition to being an incredibly powerful style of yoga, it is the ultimate energy healing practice. This is because Tree Yoga fully harnesses the best yoga teacher and the best energy healer there is — nature.

Energetic health is the foundation of all other aspects of health and life — physical health, mental health, emotional health, even finances and spirituality. Everything hinges upon and is built on top of energy. This is the deepest and most important part of life, yet it remains largely unaddressed. Moreover, energy healing shouldn’t be mystical and mysterious. It should be practical, comprehensible, and accessible to all.

I understand that some of these assertions may sound wildly exaggerated. However, they are all true, and comprehending this is of immense significance. Many people cannot initially fathom the magnitude of this discovery. They cannot believe that the answers to so many of their problems have been right in front of them this whole time.

Tree Yoga bestows boundless benefits, and it offers an effective remedy to many of society’s most pressing problems — addiction, anxiety, depression, chronic stress, dysfunctional relationships, emotional struggles, mental health, and the technological tyranny that ensnares many. Once again, we have had the solutions around us this entire time. The trees have always been here as valuable untapped resources. The full potential of nature has not been utilized until now, and Tree Yoga will teach you how.

My name is Alex Julian, and

I welcome you to Tree Yoga School.

This is the actual tree

that I discovered Tree Yoga with.

Favorite Trees